Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Issues in Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Issues in Human Resource Management - Essay ExampleThe qualities of an effectively managed employee according to Roosevelt T. 1978, touch to his ability to answer for himself and others the following five basic suppose related questionsi.Why am I present How does he identify himself in spite of appearance the organiationii.Where am I going What is his understanding of the goals of his unit and/or that of the faultless organization How can he be a part of achieving that goal The autobus is to let him hunch all these.iii. How am I doing He needs to know his performance and progress towards achieving the overall goal and documental of his unit/organisation.iv. What is in it for me What are the rewards for him for achieving resultsv. What happens when I need assistance How are they reinforced for doing good vocation What is the process of delivering the reward A manager can position for the subordinates what rewards he can give within a specific context.An average worker and an average employer will expect the following from each other under a typical employment contractEXPECTATIONSBy ManagerBy WorkerTORECEIVE Cooperative ride Problem solving by the worker Considerable self management Production beyond the lower limit required Improvements in overall group performance Open communications of any unresolved hire out Cooperative effort Some problem solving Some self management Service beyond the minimum required Performances as requiredTOGIVETOGIVE* Adequate compensation brain of belong to company Sense of importance Sense of accomplishment Sense of purpose Training & knowledge Sense of fulfillmentAdequate compensation Sense of belonging Sense of accomplishment Sense of being valuedTORECEIVE*In this instance, to give... Does the manager/management carry along the staff Do they have any definite goals/objectives to which their efforts could be channeled argon the mission and vision of the organization clearly made known to the staffv. What happens when I need help How are they reinforced for doing good job What is the process of delivering the reward A manager can define for the subordinates what rewards he can give within a specific context.*In this instance, to give should read as to facilitate realisation of. Adapted from Lashrook 1981b, Leader Manager and supported by Rensis Likert and Jane Gibson Likert,Integrative Goals & Consensus in Problem Solving Rosabeth Moss Kanter Empowerment and Roger Harrison Strategy for a New Age.Things much(prenominal) as reducing time spent at work, spiraling wages, fringe benefits, etc have at iodin time or the other failed to bring out the expected result from an employee. It goes to suggest that it takes more than these incentives to activate some people in order to get the best out of them, i.e. in terms of job performance and behaviour.In his hygiene factors/motivation, Herzberg tries to explain that certain issues bring job satisfaction and certain issues origin job dissatisfaction. He rzbergs studies revealed that the factors involved in producing job satisfaction motivators are separate and distinct from those that lead to job dissatisfaction.

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